work assembly

英 [wɜːk əˈsembli] 美 [wɜːrk əˈsembli]

网络  工作汇编; 工作装配



  1. Back home, my grandmother raised their baby and went to work on a bomber assembly line.
  2. This function, since it calls itself, makes very good use of stack frames. Let's look at how the factorial function would work in assembly language ( enter as factorial. s)
  3. A new assembly diagram is created for each module you create, which you work with using the assembly editor.
  4. However, if your software is a collective work an assembly of independent pieces, some yours and some provided under the GPL only the GPL code must be made available.
  5. Then you'll have all the resources to create sophisticated threaded programs that model work crews, assembly lines, and more.
  6. We have to accept the monotony of work on the assembly line.
  7. This "rules-based" repetitive work occurs most frequently in clerical jobs-particularly back office work& and in assembly line work.
  8. The algorithm presented in this paper can be used in work of robot assembly and object tracking.
  9. He work on the assembly line at the local car factory.
  10. No gas work is required for assembly or for possible later extensions of the switchgear.
  11. "Installation" refers to the erection work including assembly, connecting and placing the parts to its position according to the design drawings of all the Contract Equipment.
  12. Ad Hoc Committee on the Improvement of the Methods of Work of the General Assembly
  13. Hui Wing Mau behalf of the Council work report to the General Assembly.
  14. Roy: You can study alchemy as you wish, or work in the assembly, being a captain.
  15. It has also gravely obstructed the work of the general assembly.
  16. She seemed content to work on the assembly line.
  17. I hate the monotony of work on the assembly line.
  18. Because of the standardization of American cooking, the American cook are like workers who work along the automatic assembly line.
  19. Thanks to difference of producing process and operation time to different product on mixed-model assembly line, production sequencing problem of mixed-model assembly line must be considered, in order to guaranteeing regular work of mixed-model assembly line.
  20. With the development of robotics, the robots are used as assembly tools in FMS. How to make robot work well in assembly and the assembly sequence planning will be the urgent problem to solve we face now.
  21. This paper introduces the software and hardware composition and operation principle of the Machine Vision system and operational mode and work flow of the assembly line. It explains the application of the Machine Vision Technology in intelligent recognition of the old meters.
  22. Assembly Digital System ( ADS) is a management system of assembly work for aero-engine assembly factory.
  23. An expert system with Fuzzy-Petri-Netz as knowledge basis is employed to work out operative assembly plans. Moreover, with the dimly formulated technological experiences used, the decision fixed to the reality could be secured.
  24. This Paper discusses the general procedure and method of work study on assembly line through a radio recorder assembly line instance.
  25. This paper illustrates the constituents of work states of flexible assembly workstation through that of motorcycle engine.
  26. It's positioning precision is ± 0.1mm, and it can identify the shape of work piece, realize the assembly task automatically.
  27. Section three is about the spread of new ideas in Jiangsu Province. The popularization of education and awakening of elites 'rights conscience led to the active preparatory work for a Provincial Assembly.
  28. The pallet information model based on analysis of pallet design is established. The basic function and the work flow in the assembly centre is clearly described.
  29. The experimental platform is applied to teaching can help students master the test in the actual work platform assembly, commissioning, maintenance and repair and the failure to find such points.
  30. All the research work in this paper will offer reference model and theory supporting for further design and research work of fast fuel assembly in SCWR mixed core.